Strategies to Control and Capitalize Your Freight Data

Transportation and logistics professionals are experiencing a flood of new data, data-sharing systems, and analytics. But as tech stacks and data collection methods evolve, the surge in visible information can easily become siloed and overwhelming. As these technological advancements continue to emerge, knowing how to manage and maximize your freight data to its full potential, without getting overwhelmed, is essential.

Accessible Data Visualization

"Data visualization is an incredibly useful tool, if used properly: it can effectively give meaning to an enormous amount of data collected each day in the EdTech space. But if visualizations aren’t designed with precision and intention, they can just as easily defeat their own purpose. EdTech products have grown increasingly sophisticated, and dataviz is used to improve learning outcomes and support research. But, some designers favor the presentation of dataviz, instead of discernable data. This can serve as a setback to both intended audiences and designers themselves. So, designers and developers must remain vigilant against data visualizations that favor aesthetics over the utility of discernible data."

Communications in Philanthropy

"While program work and institutional work is alive and well, communications programs in the nonprofit sector are suffering. In many academic, scientific and research-based sectors, communications remains hobbled. While we pour investments into program work almost exclusively, basic communications infrastructures are neglected and marketing programs are gutted. Consequently, many critical works in the social impact sector remain obscured behind the scenes. Without stronger communications and marketing programs, the reach of nonprofit organizations will stay limited."